ICF Toronto 2022 Awards

Congratulations to our ICF 2022 Award Winners

PRISM Large Private Sector Award

Deloitte Canada

Lead Coach Deborah Colman, MCC, CPCC, MA(Ed)

PRISM Mid-size Private Sector Award

KOHO Financial Inc.

Lead Coach Vicki Thompson, ACC

PRISM Large Non-profit Private Sector Award

EthicalCoach The WILD Network

Lead Coach Kathryn Bean, ACC

PRISM Small Non-profit Private Sector Award

Hamilton East Kiwanis Non-Profit Homes Inc.

Lead Coach Nance MacLeod

PRISM Mid-size Non-profit Private Sector Award

Community Living Ajax-Pickering Whitby

Lead Coach Michelle Chambers, M.Ed., CSODP, CHRL, CTDP, CTPC

Adria Trowhill, MCC, Posi-TRAK Coaching and Consulting

Michael Bungay Stanier, Founder Box of Crayons and MBS.Works

Megan Watt
Traverse Coaching

Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized

Meena Kaila-Gambhir

ICF Toronto Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Lisa MacVicar, ACC

Wendy Thompson, PCC

Leslie Shank

Eileen Bonetti

Julia Bubrin, ACC

Jill Kirson, PCC

Gisela Smith, ACC

Komal Smriti, PCC

Brenda Van Rossum

Daisy Wright

Honourable Mention

Shahab Anari

Hossam Bakir

Barb Rosen Schreiber

To watch a recording of the presentation, please click HERE

Thank you to everyone who submitted a nomination!

Will it be your turn in 2023?