Coaching senior leaders on their next 20 years!
Heading into your 50s or 60s? There comes a shifting moment that evokes deep questions: “What is this all for? Do I just keep doing what I am doing? How do I make my life count?” I coach clients on living intentionally. This results in a skilful presence that positively impacts all areas of professional and personal life. I call this ‘aging deliberately’.
There is continued growth to come in the decades ahead but very few meaningful guideposts. The dusty milestone of ‘retirement’ doesn’t apply anymore. There are many professional and personal targets to reach and this makes life challenging as well as exciting! While you have spent decades on horizontal growth (all that ‘doing’!) there is an opportunity here for ‘vertical’ growth.
Book a free 30 minute consultation at my website:
For new and growing coaches: Mentor Coaching!